O que você disse: sobrecarregando seu roteador doméstico

O que você disse: sobrecarregando seu roteador doméstico
O que você disse: sobrecarregando seu roteador doméstico

Vídeo: O que você disse: sobrecarregando seu roteador doméstico

Vídeo: O que você disse: sobrecarregando seu roteador doméstico
Vídeo: Controle Seu PC de Qualquer Lugar do Mundo Pelo Celular Com Acesso Remoto Google | TutorialTec - YouTube 2024, Maio
No início desta semana, pedimos que você compartilhasse as maneiras pelas quais aprimorou seu roteador doméstico. Nós arredondamos as respostas aqui; continue a ler para ver como seus colegas leitores sobrecarregam seus roteadores domésticos.
No início desta semana, pedimos que você compartilhasse as maneiras pelas quais aprimorou seu roteador doméstico. Nós arredondamos as respostas aqui; continue a ler para ver como seus colegas leitores sobrecarregam seus roteadores domésticos.

Firmware personalizado governa o poleiro quando se trata de ajustar seu roteador. A maioria dos leitores que responderam destacou o firmware personalizado em seus roteadores e os benefícios fornecidos. Kevin, por exemplo, executa toda a sua rede Wi-Fi estendida usando o DD-WRT:

My main router is a Linksys with DD-WRT. It runs QOS, a private VPN, some port-forwarding and manages my PPPOE connection. (My DSL modem is in bridge mode and is completely passive.)

I have a couple of other Linksys/DD-WRT units that act as wireless bridges. One of them is connected to a couple of cheap Ubuntu boxes that act as network storage and do nightly, on-site back-ups of all of my data. Now, if I can just find an off-site solution that’s not too pricey.

Trevor observa que o DD-WRT é tão popular que a Buffalo está enviando roteadores com ele pré-instalado:

I loaded DD-WRT onto my Buffalo router when I first got it and love it. Now Buffalo is shipping with DD-WRT pre-installed, giving you both great hardware and firmware right out of the box. I set mine up for remote access with DynDNS so I don’t ever have to mess around with IP addresses, and then configured all my computers and router for VNC and any other remote access I need.

Daymon, como Kevin, também usa roteadores extras como repetidores:

I added a simple WiFi repeater in the center of my house, so the main router has a strong signal in the front part of the house, and the repeater gets that signal, and boosts it from that point giving me a good signal in the back of the house, and even out to my deck!

It’s wireless, and only needs a power source, so it can be easily hidden. I used the original router’s SSID, and just added EXT (extended) on the end, so I know which router I’m connected to at any given time.

Embora o DD-WRT tenha recebido alguns acenos, o Tomato não foi amado. LVDave pesa com:

One word: Tomato! I have a Linksys WRT54GL, and the difference between the stock firmware from Linksys and Tomato is like night/day.. I’ve tried DDWRT and others, and came back to Tomato. Best f/w for a Linksys router in my opinion…

Brodiemacnic adora o Tomato, mas deseja estar em desenvolvimento mais amplo:

Over the years I have used Tomato and DD-WRT on a variety of router but mostly on Linksys WRT54G and the Asus models. I find Tomato the easiest to use and even found a custom version that supports USB on the Asus router. It woks very well for network printing but I’ve found it a little difficult to use for a shared network storage. DD-WRT is much more feature rich but you really need to know what you are doing to work with that one. I really wish Tomato supported more routers that is does. It’s really a shame that it doesn’t.

Rothbart leva todo o aspecto DIY de usar uma ROM personalizada para um novo nível, usando seu próprio roteador:

I’m using Astaro Security Gateway on a dual-nic dedicated machine. It’s like a super-router/security gateway/firewall/content filter/antivirus scanner/magic widget.

And… it’s free. I just had to devote a spare machine and electricity to running it. Well worth it IMO.

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