Os cabos S-Video causam câncer?


Os cabos S-Video causam câncer?
Os cabos S-Video causam câncer?

Vídeo: Os cabos S-Video causam câncer?

Vídeo: Os cabos S-Video causam câncer?
Vídeo: Converter Apresentação do PowerPoint em Vídeo MP4 - YouTube 2024, Maio
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Dependendo de onde você mora, você pode receber um aviso de saúde ao comprar alguns componentes de hardware online para o seu computador. Isso é algo que você deve estar preocupado ou não? A postagem de perguntas e respostas do Superusuário de hoje discute um desses incidentes para ajudar a responder a uma pergunta do leitor curioso.

A sessão de perguntas e respostas de hoje nos é oferecida por cortesia do SuperUser, uma subdivisão do Stack Exchange, um agrupamento de sites de perguntas e respostas conduzido pela comunidade.

Foto cedida por Nic Mcphee (Flickr).

A questão

Leitor SuperUser Shawn Eary quer saber se os cabos S-Video causam câncer:

I was ordering parts from an online retailer and received a warning stating that some of the products were known (by the state of California) to cause cancer.

Unsure which product had triggered the warning, I called the retailer on the phone. According to them, it was the S-Video cable. Sure enough, the warning went away when I removed the S-Video cable from the cart.

Then I tried adding several other S-Video cables from different companies. All of the S-Video cables I picked seemed to trigger the cancer warning.

Is there something in most S-Video cables that causes cancer?

Os cabos S-Video causam câncer?

A resposta

Os colaboradores do SuperUser Zeiss Ikon e Alex Atkinson têm a resposta para nós. Primeiro, Zeiss Ikon:

Solder that contains lead is the most likely source of the “known to cause cancer or other reproductive harm” warning. Electronics assembled in Europe or for sale in the European Union are made with lead-free solder by law, but in the United States and most of Asia, the cheaper and easier to use tin-lead solders still rule. Do not eat the connectors, wash your hands after handling if the insulating plastic is broken, and you will be fine.

By the way, it is not just S-Video cables. You should find this warning for any product with solder in it that is not made for European Union compliance.

Seguido pela resposta de Alex Atkinson:

The state of California has much stricter laws on potential carcinogens than the rest of the United States. The warning just means that there are some chemicals in the product that may cause cancer in some specific situations. You would likely have to eat the thing.

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