Solucionar problemas do Internet Explorer - Microsoft Self Help


Solucionar problemas do Internet Explorer - Microsoft Self Help
Solucionar problemas do Internet Explorer - Microsoft Self Help

Vídeo: Solucionar problemas do Internet Explorer - Microsoft Self Help

Vídeo: Solucionar problemas do Internet Explorer - Microsoft Self Help
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Caso o seu Internet Explorer pare de responder, pare de funcionar, reinicie aleatoriamente, não exiba páginas da Web corretamente ou simplesmente não seja ele mesmo, talvez você queira visitar esse recurso da Microsoft e obter algumas dicas úteis de auto-ajuda.

Solucionar problemas do IE

Essas etapas de auto-ajuda para um início a um usuário intermediário do computador

“When you try to use Internet Explorer, it does not work quite right. IE work for a while, but then it may stop. Or Internet Explorer may restart unexpectedly, or you may receive an error message. What could be causing these problems?

Internet Explorer problems can be caused by a number of things. And it is difficult to say what is causing your particular problem until we examine it a bit. That’s what the step-by-step methods in this Web content are designed to do. We’ll ask you a few questions, and then, based on your answers, we’ll determine which of these methods we should have you look at first.

Will one of these methods definitely do the trick for you? In most cases, we think so. However, nothing is for sure, of course. But if none of these methods work for you, we’ll still have some other suggestions that you can try. We know how important it is for you to be able to use Internet Explorer problem-free. That’s why we’ll do whatever we can to get it working again for you.”

Visite a página de suporte de auto-ajuda do Microsoft IE. ATUALIZAR: A página de auto-ajuda foi retirada e substituída por um link para o Solucionador de problemas do Internet Explorer.

Esses links também podem lhe interessar:

  1. O Internet Explorer congela ou trava com freqüência no Windows 7 ou Vista
  2. Reparar o Internet Explorer com o utilitário Fix IE.

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