Anunciando o Dia Zero: Um Romance de Mark Russinovich

Anunciando o Dia Zero: Um Romance de Mark Russinovich
Anunciando o Dia Zero: Um Romance de Mark Russinovich

Vídeo: Anunciando o Dia Zero: Um Romance de Mark Russinovich

Vídeo: Anunciando o Dia Zero: Um Romance de Mark Russinovich
Vídeo: Windows 8.1 - Novo menu de configurações do computador - YouTube 2024, Maio

A maioria de nós conhece Mark Russinovich. Para aqueles que não o fazem, Mark Russinovich trabalha na Microsoft na equipe de produtos do Windows Azure como Technical Fellow, a posição técnica sênior da Microsoft.


Mark ganhou um Ph.D. em engenharia da computação pela Universidade Carnegie Mellon e ingressou na Microsoft quando adquiriu a Winternals Software, que ele co-fundou em 1996. Ele também é autor das populares ferramentas de administração e diagnóstico do Sysinternals Windows. Ele é co-autor da série de livros Microsoft Press Windows Internals, um editor contribuinte paraRevista TechNete um editor contribuinte sênior paraRevista Windows IT Pro.

Mark anunciou agora seu próximo livro - Dia zero!


Sobre o livro:

An airliner’s controls abruptly fail mid-flight over the Atlantic. An oil tanker runs aground in Japan when its navigational system suddenly stops dead. Hospitals everywhere have to abandon their computer

databases when patients die after being administered incorrect dosages of their medicine. In the Midwest, a nuclear power plant nearly becomes the next Chernobyl when its cooling systems malfunction.

At first, these random computer failures seem like unrelated events. ButJeff Aiken, a former government analyst who quit in disgust after witnessing the gross errors that led up to 9/11, thinks otherwise. Jeff fears a more serious attack targeting the United States computer infrastructure is already under way. And as other menacing computer malfunctions pop up around the world, some with deadly results, he realizes that there isn’t much time if he hopes to prevent an international catastrophe.

Written by a global authority on cyber security, Zero Day presents a chilling “what if” scenario that, in a world completely reliant on technology, is more than possible today-it’s a cataclysmic disaster just waiting to happen.

De seu blog:

I’m proud and excited to announce the upcoming publication of my first novel, Zero Day! I had the idea for Zero Day almost eight years ago and it’s been a long journey from then through finishing a first draft, finding an agent, finding a publisher and now anticipating the day when I hold a copy in my hands. Reviews have started coming in from people that have received what the publishing business calls advance reviewer copies (ARCs), which are limited-run paperback versions of the near-final manuscript, and they are very positive.

If you like books by Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy, I think you’ll enjoy Zero Day. In my existing technical blog I post articles primarily related to Windows, and in this one I’ll be posting links to reviews, cyber-security news and other book-related updates.

Para mais informações sobre o livro: Zeroday

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